Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 2 update

Still feeling like I've been hit by a ton of bricks, wondering if I have the tail end of a virus as had a cold earlier in the week.

My anxiety levels are sky high too.

On the positive side ... I've done all the ironing and a post office run ... small achievements but they all add up! :)

Day 2 - feeling better

Yesterday I still ended up having a long daytime sleep whilst my youngest had her nap.  Very achy and struggled with silly thoughts. Turned all those thoughts around though which is huge ... positive mental attitude all the way :)  Food wise it wasn't a great day, all I ate was a slice of Marmite on toast and a sausage left over from the children's evening meal. Trouble is that I just don't feel hungry which isn't too bad for the weight loss lol!

Had a lovely long,  hot bath and fell into a deep sleep early last night (too many bubbles though....I flooded the utility room! ) ... woke for a short time at midnight and then slept until 5:30am :)

Now for today...

Woke with a humongous headache but it's not beating me today!  I think it was due to a lack of caffeine yesterday as I only had 2 coffees compared to my usual 10. A couple of paracetamol and a mug of coffee and I'm set to party!

Feeling a whole lot more like me today. Have taken my multi vitamins,  had some pineapple chunks and am about to tackle the ironing :)

This blog is more of an online diary than anything ... I don't expect anyone to read it to be honest. I hope that anyone who does finds it positive. I really don't want to be negative at all ... above anything else this is being written to make my life clearer and better during this yukky week each month!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day One

Well then ... here we are.

PMT/PMS anyone?  It's horrid.  This blog is going to diary my journey to find a non-medical way to alleviate the symptoms and cope with the hormonal mood swings.

This month has been especially bad for me. Symptoms include ...

1. Severe exhaustion
2. Irrational thoughts and behaviour
3. Lack of appetite
4. Tearfullness
5. Aches in lower back, abdomen and thighs
6 . Manic mood swings
7. Over thinking
8. Restlessness
9. Sleeplessness
10. A general feeling of meh
11. Spots
12. Water retention
13. Bloated abdomen

To feel like this every month is not fair on my loved ones or myself so I am doing something about it.

I'm reducing the amount of caffeine in my system by drinking herbal teas instead, today it is peppermint and liquorice which is good for water retention. Not going cold turkey on the coffee though ... don't need to add that to my problems lol!

I'm making myself eat, have had a slice of Marmite on toast for the B Vits in the Marmite. I hope that by having that it will kick start my appetite back to something more than non existent! I've also had a multi vitamin drink - got to love Berocca and its fluorescent wee side effect!

Going to get myself some herbal supplements today ... evening primrose oil, red clover, agnus castus and black cohosh are all recommended ... maybe not all at once!

I hope that anyone following this will find it of some help ... let me know what you do to help with your symptoms ... I also hope that if any men read this, it will give an insight into a woman's mind during their period.

Much love, Ali

Sunday 6 January 2013

1 Day to go

2013 is my year, grabbing it by the horns and going to get fit, healthy and slim again. Tomorrow the children go back to school so the scales will come out and I'll brave the  tape measure again. The first before photo will be taken too.

I had my last baby in April 2012 and despite breastfeeding her, my weight hasn't gone down . I did try back in the summer and lost 10lbs but it has crept back on...

I don't know what my goal is but I do know I need to bring my bmi down to a healthier number .

This blog may not be the most exciting in the world but I hope you'll find a tiny bit of motivation and inspiration in my journey to find a healthier me!